WTO Case Filed Against EU Over Poultry Restrictions

US - The US government said yesterday that it has asked the World Trade Organization (WTO) to establish a dispute settlement panel regarding the European Union's (EU) restrictions on imports of US poultry.
calendar icon 9 October 2009
clock icon 3 minute read

The US Trade Representative Office (USTR) said in a statement that it has asked the panel to "review whether the EU's ban on the import and marketing of poultry meat and poultry meat products processed with pathogen reduction treatments (PRTs) judged safe by US and European food safety authorities is consistent with the EU's WTO obligations."

"The US poultry subject to the EU ban is safe. There is no scientific evidence that the use of pathogen reduction treatments pose any health risk to consumers," said Nefeterius McPherson, a USTR spokeswoman in the statement.

"We regret that formal WTO consultations and significant US engagement over many years have not resulted in the lifting of the EU's ban on the import and marketing of poultry," she continued. "However, we feel that we must move forward with WTO dispute settlement panel proceedings at this time."

The US government complained that in 1997, the EU began prohibiting the use of PRTs to reduce microbe levels on poultry carcasses sold in the EU, stopping the shipment of virtually all US poultry.

Following a review of the formal consultations held on 11 February,as well as other discussions with EU officials, the United States said it has concluded that it is time to bring this issue before a WTO dispute settlement panel.

Requesting a panel is the next step in the formal WTO dispute settlement process. The WTO Dispute Settlement Body will consider the US request at its next meeting, which is scheduled for 23 October.

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