SAG Contingency Plan to Prevent Detection of Dioxins in Poultry
CHILE - As part of the official programme for residue control developed by the Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG), there was a finding of possible presence of dioxins above the standard defined in the poultry sector from the Grove AGROSUPER company in the O'Higgins Region. The findings are in the process of confirmation.In response to the latest findings, Mayor Román Wladimir reported that following the established protocol and even as a preliminary result, the health authority, along with the SAG, proactively implemented actions defined for this type of case, establishing coordination between competent authorities and the company involved. As a preventive measure, both certification and marketing of products from the industry of origin of birds have been suspended.
Under protocols established for such cases, the samples in question are under analysis in reference laboratories nationally and internationally, in order to verify the strictest parameters preliminarily results have found.
Dioxins are chemicals in the environment, which should only be ingested over long periods of time, and when ingested in high concentrations, can cause adverse effects on human health.
The Health Authority of the O'Higgins Region, immediately proceeded to visit the plant involved and initiate sanitary investigation.
In addition, the company's frozen chicken lots were retained and markets were required to identify and remove AGROSUPER product-related distributions from the same batch within a maximum of 24 hours.