On The Chopping Block
After a revealing 'conversation' with his broilers, Dr. Mueez Ahmad put his neck on the line to benefit their intestinal health and performance
For as long as anyone can remember,
it was always the chicken
that put its head on the proverbial
chopping block for the good of
Now, at least one production veterinarian
for a US poultry company has
shown that he's willing to make the
same sacrifice for the good of his birds.
After 5 years of success using a coccidiosis
vaccine in the company's line
of antibiotic-free birds, Dr. Mueez
Ahmad of Draper Valley Farms, Mount
Vernon, Washington, wanted to pull the
in-feed anticoccidials used in the company's
commercial broilers and start
vaccinating all birds year round.
It wasn't a spontaneous decision.
The company, which places about
600,000 birds a week from its farms in
Washington State and Oregon, had
been vaccinating chicks in its antibiotic-
free line - about 15% of total production
- with Coccivac-B instead of
medicating with a traditional ionophore
The program worked well, so in
2005 Draper Valley began using the
vaccine in its commercial birds for
three cycles, usually from April through
September. For the other three cycles,
Draper Valley kept the birds on an
ionophore. All commercial birds
received an antibiotic to keep necrotic
enteritis in check.
Then they started asking questions.
Inquiring minds
Impressed with the excellent performance
of the commercial broilers that
had been on the vaccine, production
manager Dave Wilson kicked off the
inquisition by asking Ahmad why they
stopped vaccinating after three cycles.
Wilson also noted that the vaccinated
birds didn't suffer from spiking mortality
syndrome. He also thought that frequent
changes in medications might be
stressing the birds and making them
more susceptible to this condition.
Ahmad initially defended the vaccine-
ionophore rotation in the commercial
birds, explaining to his inquiring
production manager that a lot of poultry
operations had used this regimen
with good success. He also noted that
using the vaccine for several cycles
helped to restore the sensitivity of coccidial
organisms to traditional
ionophore antibiotics and chemicals.
In time, however, Ahmad started
questioning his own rationale.
"Our strategy had been to put the
birds on Coccivac-B for three cycles
and then switch to an ionophore for
the next three," he says. "But in reality,
we were getting only one good cycle
from the ionophore. Production
dropped off in the second cycle and
become even worse on the third. We
got to talking about it further and concluded
that if the birds were doing so
well on the vaccine, maybe we should
just leave it in there and go with it year round."
Besides thinking that this was the
best approach for the birds, Ahmad and
Wilson also felt that any efforts to
reduce or even eliminate drug usage
was consistent with the Draper Valley's
commitment and vision to distinguish
its brand and add value to its product
'Talking to the birds'
But not everyone at Draper Valley shared their enthusiasm for vaccinating commercial broilers all year long. Some thought it was fine to use the coccidiosis vaccine from spring through fall, when there was better air circulation and presumably less of a coccidiosis challenge. But the idea of dropping ionophores and chemicals in winter initially met some stiff resistance. In fact, one influential advisor was so convinced the plan would fail, he threatened to resign if the company took the plan forward.Ahmad dug in his heels, too. Reflecting on the showdown, he says, "I almost lost my job over this decision to vaccinate the birds all year, but I was confident in our plan and felt it was the best way to go - for both the company and the birds."
To support his case, Ahmad brought in a team of experts to speak objectively on the vaccination program's behalf. It wasn't a panel of veterinarians or nutritionists, however. Ahmad asked for input from the chickens themselves. "I'm posting birds every month, and every month they're telling me their gut is better when they're on the coccidiosis vaccine," he remembers telling the company's management. "The birds are telling me this program isn't going to fail."
"The birds are telling you?" asked one company decision-maker in disbelief. "You're actually talking to the birds?"
No secrets to Draper Valley's success
Situated in the Pacific Northwest, about 75 miles north of Seattle, Draper
Valley is a long way from the nearest field of corn or soybeans, most of
which are grown in the Midwest.
This distance means higher feed costs, which makes it impractical for
Draper Valley to go head-to-head with the much larger poultry companies
based in the southeastern United States.
"That's why we position our product as a local bird," live-production
manager Dave Wilson says. "We can't compete against the big guys. Our
market is strictly Washington State and Oregon."
That hasn't stopped Draper Valley from opening its doors to representatives
from three major multinational integrators interested in coccidiosis
vaccination and other practices that will help them meet the growing
demand for birds raised without antibiotics.
"There's certainly a lot of interest in antibiotic-free production, because
that's the way the industry is trending," says production veterinarian Dr.
Mueez Ahmad. "We don't view the big integrators as competitors, so
we're happy to share with them what we have learned. I think it will benefit
the poultry industry as a whole."
Lesions don't lie
At that point, Ahmad concedes with a
smile, "some people thought I had
some psychological problems." He
held firm to his position, though, and
provided more tangible evidence - in
this case, the results of post-mortem
exams of birds taken randomly from all
houses in Draper Valley's system. The
posted birds ranged from 14 days to
market age.
The investigation showed that vaccinated
birds had minor but manageable
coccidiosis lesions early in the bird's
life, before 21 days, versus the medicated
birds, which showed had more
serious lesions caused by wild strains
of coccidiosis at 34 or 35 days.
Ahmad says that seeing lesions in
birds is not unusual - or at least that
was the accepted paradigm at the time.
In his 15 years of commercial poultry
production, he can't recall posting birds
without lesions from Eimeria tenella, a
major cause of coccidiosis. The one
exception was the first time he used
Clinacox (diclazuril), a synthetic anticoccidial
that initially provided outstanding
control until resistance issues
made it necessary to significantly limit
the product's usage.
"Other than that, seeing some
lesions in your birds is perfectly normal,"
he says. "It's just a matter of how
bad they are and when they occur."
Hatchery: 'The process has become very streamlined'
Coccivac-B is administered to day-old chicks in the hatchery using the
specially designed SprayCox II spray cabinet, which showers the birds
with the vaccine.
Because the vaccine contains live oocysts that stimulate birds' natural
immune system, good vaccine coverage is essential.
A red dye that is added to the vaccine
helps hatchery workers do a
quick visual check, but the dye
also encourages preening and
ingestion of the live oocysts.
"The process has become very
streamlined," says Robin Visser,
hatchery manager at Draper
Valley, which maintains two hatcheries.
"We have no additional
labor, with the exception of just
mixing the vaccine itself."
And even that has gotten easier. She says the addition of AirMix - a
unique system that uses an air pump to keep the vaccine oocysts in suspension
- has given her even more confidence that the vaccine is
being properly administered.
On-site technical support from Schering-Plough Animal Health has also
helped to train hatchery workers and keep the process moving efficiently.
'The birds will be fine'
After much debate, Draper Valley's
management decided to try Ahmad's
vaccination plan in October of 2005 -
a time when the company normally
would have rotated its commercial
broilers back to the ionophore. But
still, the high-stakes showdown wasn't
In late December - shortly after
one advisor made good on his promise
to quit - Ahmad stuck with his longstanding
plans to take an extended
vacation to visit his family in Pakistan.
"They will be fine, nothing will happen,"
Ahmad confidently told his management
before packing his bags and
leaving Wilson in charge.
And apparently, Ahmad was right.
"It was the best winter we ever had
since starting with this program,"
Wilson recalls. "And by March or April,
everyone realized that our commercial
broiler operation didn't collapse and
that performance had, in fact,
Now, after more than 24 months of
using coccidiosis vaccination in all the
commercial birds, Ahmad says he's
hardly seeing any lesions. He thinks
that continued use of the Coccivac-B,
which provides a controlled, balanced
dose of live oocysts that naturally stimulate
immunity, has caused the population
to shift away from tenacious wild
strains to those that can be more easily
"If we see lesions in the birds today,
it's usually associated with another
management problem or possibly
clostridium, not coccidiosis," he says.
In its commercial birds, Draper
Valley uses either BMD (bacitracin
methylene disalicylate) or Stafac (virginiamycin)
to help keep enteritis in check. If there's an enteritis break,
Ahmad will bring it under control by
adding penicillin to the water for 2 or 3
No gangrenous dermatitis
Ahmad says Draper Valley's use of
Coccivac-B yielded two other unexpected
benefits, both related to the vaccine's
ability to halt late coccidial
First, Ahmad and Wilson have not
seen a single incidence of gangrenous
dermatitis, a clostridium-related health
problem that results in high mortality,
carcass condemnations and trimmed
parts since birds are on cocci vaccine.
Economic losses have been estimated
to be as much as $1.31 per affected
Recent reports suggest that late coccidial
cycling predisposes birds to this
costly condition. Gangrenous dermatitis
also tends to occur in flocks on
chemical-to-ionophore and straight
ionophore programs, which allow late
coccidial cycling. In contrast, field
experience shows that flocks vaccinated
against coccidiosis have lifelong
immunity against coccidiosis, do not
experience late coccidial cycling and
tend not to develop gangrenous dermatitis.
"Gangrenous dermatitis is a very
expensive disease - one that hits birds
close to market age, usually around 38
to 40 days - and it doesn't respond to
treatment very well. Even if you do
treat, you need to be very careful about
withdrawal times at that age," Ahmad
"If your birds don't die from dermatitis,
you can lose them on the processing
line, where they'll be condemned,"
he continues. "Given the
choice, I would much rather deal with
the risk of necrotic enteritis than gangrenous
dermatitis. Enteritis is definitely
the lesser of two evils, and you can
keep it under control with good management."
Ahmad also thinks that late coccidial
cycling suppresses birds' immunity
to other diseases. "Immunity suppression
is an expensive phenomenon," he
says. "The way I see it, anytime you
have a stressful environment for the
birds, it compromises their immunity
and makes them more susceptible to
other disease problems. Gangrenous
dermatitis is one good example of that,
but there's also staphylococcus and
Escherichia coli.
"There's a group of bacteria out
there just sitting and waiting for another
bacterium to create an insult in the
skin," he continues. "It could be that
our new program results in better intestinal
health, which in turn suppresses
these bacteria."
Flexible formulations
While coccidiosis vaccination has
allowed them to reduce drug usage, it
has also given them more flexibility in
formulating rations - for the simple
reason that they no longer have to
work around a predetermined drugrotation
schedule. As a result, Draper
Valley now invests more in its starter
rations to ensure optimum intestinal
health but saves on the back end
because birds are moved to the lowcost
finisher or withdrawal ration 7 to
10 days sooner.
"Our nutritionists can make changes
in the needs of the birds, without having
to work around the medication
program," Ahmad says. "Having the
anticoccidials out of the feed gives
them a lot more freedom."
The feed mill enjoys the freedom,
too, because it now has fewer medications
to track and doesn't have to worry
about flushing drug residues from the
As for the economic side of the picture,
Ahmad says Draper Valley's medication
costs appear higher than the
Agri Stats' national average, but that's
because that category includes the vaccine,
which Ahmad says is misleading.
"When you look at the cost variance
of the different ionophores you'd have
to use throughout the year if we didn't
vaccinate, the cost tends to even out,"
he says.
One other way to look at it: "If you
divide the vaccine cost back into the
cost of the feed given to those birds,
you'd see that the cost of the vaccine
isn't a big factor. The price of the vaccine
is offset by its benefits. I think it's
a wash."
Commercial broilers: Learning by example
Birds raised for Draper Valley's antibiotic-free line are on a proprietary
corn-soybean formulation, with no added fat or other animal byproducts.
The company also reduces stocking density by 20%.
According to veterinarian Dr. Mueez Ahmad, Draper Valley nutritionists
spent about 7 to 8 years optimizing the vegetarian diet's protein-energy
"You can't get the growth rate if you don't have the energy there. And if you
have too much protein, that can also hurt you," he continues. "A vegetarian
diet is not an impossible phenomenon. Anybody can do that, but it takes
some work and you can't do it overnight."
Ahmad says that many concepts that Draper Valley has developed for its
antibiotic-free line can be easily adapted to commercial birds. And coccidiosis
vaccination is only one example.
"I think we'll be introducing more of these concepts to our commercial
birds in the future," says Dave Wilson, live-production manager. "That's the
direction consumers and the industry are heading."
Managing litter and light
Managing the birds' environment also
helps build immunity and reduce disease
pressure. Wilson says they prefer
raising birds on "built-up litter" for 3 or
4 years without a lot of cleanout. "We
just go in and de-cake it for every
grow-out," explains Wilson.
This strategy, adds Ahmad, helps to
stimulate bird immunity at an early age.
"Our salmonella numbers over the last
2 years are dropping very rapidly," he
adds, pointing to the decline from an
USDA standard of 6% to 7% to about
Wilson thinks the lower salmonella
numbers are a byproduct of the company's
diligent efforts to control enteritis
without drugs.
"We've made a lot of changes to our
management, not just to the litter but
also to ventilation, cleaning out our
wells and water lines and so on. We
knew clostridia were going to be our
number one challenge as we reduced
or eliminated drugs. Any time we fail it
always goes back to an issue that
occurred in the first 7 to 10 days. In our
antibiotic-free program, we knew that if
we made it to 21 days without an outbreak,
it would be clear sailing."
Lighting also came into play. Ahmad
and Wilson decided to give vaccinated
chicks more light intensity in the first 7
days to help them develop a stronger
immune system, more easily see the
food and water, and get off to a fast
Once they're in what Ahmad calls
"their comfort zone," usually around
day 14, they reduce the light intensity
to slow down the birds' growth - a
practice recommended by Cobb, which
provides their genetics. "It's a stepup/
step-down program," Ahmad says.
"Without that, they will continue to eat
and grow their muscles, but at a faster
pace than their skeletal and the cardiovascular
Faster growth rate actually became a
problem for Draper Valley after all of
the company's birds were put on
Coccivac-B. He fixed it by reducing
The future is now
The new emphasis on better nutrition,
environment, management, and fewer
drugs has also helped Draper Valley's
production team better prepare for
future market trends. In fact, in March
2007, Draper Valley also decided to
drop the growth-promoting antibiotic
from its commercial birds' rations in
favor of an experimental competitiveexclusive
product that helps promote
better intestinal health.
Reflecting on their recent changes,
Ahmad says that raising some of the
company's birds without antibiotics has
forced them to become even better
"When you go antibiotic-free, you
can't use drugs and Band-Aids to cover
up our mistakes," he says. "That experience,
I think, has had a profound
effect on the management of our commercial
birds as well. The use of the
coccidiosis vaccination, for example,
has helped us develop a better understanding
of how birds grow. I don't
look at vaccination as a disease-management
program. To me, it's more of
an animal husbandry approach.
"When the company came to me
and said it wanted all of our birds to be
totally antibiotic-free, I told them we
could do it with the next cycle of birds
Five years ago, I probably would have
told them we needed 15 years," he
adds, smiling.
Vaccination: 'Now it's a smooth ride'
What advice does Draper Valley share
with other producers thinking about
vaccinating for coccidiosis?
"I tell them it's like anything else
that's new," says Ahmad. "You may hit
a few bumps when you start out, and
sometimes that causes people to give
up. But once you get over the hump
- say, once you're past the first two
or three cycles - it's a smooth ride
from there. More than anything, you
have to be willing to become a better
Wilson agrees. "I wanted to quit
vaccinating several times because I
wasn't comfortable with it after the first
cycle. And besides, medications
seemed so much easier.
"Then I had Dr. John McCarty (a
consulting veterinarian for Schering-
Plough) here and he said, 'Dave, you
have to be patient and to stay on it a little
longer.' I told him he was full of it,"
Wilson adds, smiling. "But you know
what? Dr. McCarty was right, and I'm
glad I listened to him. Change can be
uncomfortable at first, but it's usually
for the better."