Defects in hen eggs are a major concern
for commercial producers and marketing
They result in a loss of industry efficiency
and, should poor-quality eggs get through
to the consumer, a loss of confidence in
the product.
It is essential for both the industry and the
consumer that the incidence of egg defects
be minimised at all levels of production
and marketing. Producers, in particular,
must be able to quickly pinpoint and
correct problems.
This handbook has drawn together the
essential information on egg production
and egg quality. It gives valuable information
on the optimum nutrition of laying
hens and explains the importance of
vitamins and minerals for optimizing egg
quality. Furthermore, egg defects are
described in detail by:
- a description and a colour photograph
- the likely incidence in well-managed hens
- the possible causes
- solutions.
The book will be a valuable reference for
all sectors of the egg industry: industry
suppliers, food handling, preparing and
processing industries, poultry fanciers,
home egg producers, and students and
teachers of poultry management.
We wish to acknowledge the valuable
input and assistance from our colleagues
in the Department of Primary Industries
and Fisheries, Queensland (DPI & F)
Poultry Unit, and the members of the
National Coordinating Group for Poultry
Research and Extension. Permission given
by the Australian Egg Marketing Council to
use material in sections of this publication
is gratefully acknowledged.
We particularly wish to thank John Connor
and Paul Kent, DPI & F, for their invaluable
contributions to this handbook.
© The State of Queensland, Australia (through its Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries) and DSM Nutritional Products Ltd., 2007. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with prior written permission of Director, Intellectual Property Commercialisation Unit, Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, GPO Box 46 Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 4001, and DSM Nutritional Products Ltd.