Book Contents

Histopathology and Cytology of
Poultry Diseases
By Ivan Dinev, DVM, PhD


Fig. 1. Tubercle, liver, ostrich. Centrally,
a cluster of epitheloid cells (that
are fusiform in birds), radially directed
to the centre of the granuloma, is
visible. Appearance of foreign bodytype
giant cells and initial capsulation.
H/E, Bar = 50 µm.

Fig. 1. Tubercle, liver, ostrich. Centrally, a cluster of epitheloid cells (that are fusiform in birds), radially directed to the centre of the granuloma, is visible. Appearance of foreign bodytype giant cells and initial capsulation. H/E, Bar = 50 µm.

Fig. 2. Tubercle, liver, hen. Centrally,
a caseous necrosis of gathered epitheloid
cells, forming the basic mass of
the granuloma. Peripherally, foreign
body-type giant cells, arranged one
by the other in a wreath-like fashion.
H/E, Bar = 35 µm.

Fig. 2. Tubercle, liver, hen. Centrally, a caseous necrosis of gathered epitheloid cells, forming the basic mass of the granuloma. Peripherally, foreign body-type giant cells, arranged one by the other in a wreath-like fashion. H/E, Bar = 35 µm.

Fig. 3. Tubercle, bone marrow, ostrich.
Caseous necrosis and capsulation
of the granuloma. H/E, Bar = 25

Fig. 3. Tubercle, bone marrow, ostrich. Caseous necrosis and capsulation of the granuloma. H/E, Bar = 25 µm.

Fig. 4. Symmetrical, caseous necrotic
foci in the intestinal wall in a hen.
Peripherally, foreign body-type giant
cells. H/E, Bar = 40 µm.

Fig. 4. Symmetrical, caseous necrotic foci in the intestinal wall in a hen. Peripherally, foreign body-type giant cells. H/E, Bar = 40 µm.

Fig. 5. Tubercle, liver, hen. A characteristic
finding in avian tuberculosis
are conglomerate tubercles, formed
by several nodules having merged
into a common mass. H/E, Bar = 50

Fig. 5. Tubercle, liver, hen. A characteristic finding in avian tuberculosis are conglomerate tubercles, formed by several nodules having merged into a common mass. H/E, Bar = 50 µm.

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