Book Contents

Histopathology and Cytology of
Poultry Diseases
By Ivan Dinev, DVM, PhD


Fig. 1. The right auricle rupture is
characterized by sudden death, generally
in broiler chickens at the age of
10 - 14 days. Macroscopically, haemopericardium,
overfilled vena cava and
rupture at the site of communication
with the auricle are observed. Common
histological findings are the haemorrhages
and degenerative myocardial
lesions. H/E, Bar = 25 µm.

Fig. 1. The right auricle rupture is characterized by sudden death, generally in broiler chickens at the age of 10 - 14 days. Macroscopically, haemopericardium, overfilled vena cava and rupture at the site of communication with the auricle are observed. Common histological findings are the haemorrhages and degenerative myocardial lesions. H/E, Bar = 25 µm.

Fig. 2. RRA in a 14-day-old broiler
chicken. Oedema and haemorrhages
in the lungs. H/E, Bar = 35 µm.

Fig. 2. RRA in a 14-day-old broiler chicken. Oedema and haemorrhages in the lungs. H/E, Bar = 35 µm.

Fig. 3. RRA, liver, the case in Fig. 2.
Congestive hyperaemia and haemosiderosis
in the liver. H/E, Bar = 40

Fig. 3. RRA, liver, the case in Fig. 2. Congestive hyperaemia and haemosiderosis in the liver. H/E, Bar = 40 µm.

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